Adult Neuropsychology
Why was I or my family member referred for a Neuropsychological Evaluation?
Adults are referred for neuropsychological testing for a variety of reasons. Physicians request evaluations to assist with clarifying diagnosis and to provide information to assist in ongoing care. Referrals are often made based on subjective concerns that individuals or family members express to their doctor. Typically, treating physicians and individuals being evaluated are hoping to find out answers to specific concerns. Common questions expressed by our patients include:
Did I suffer brain damage from _________? (an accident, trauma, or other risk factor)
Has my medical illness or procedures needed for treatment resulted in brain injury, how is this affecting me?
Why do I have memory loss? What does it mean for my future?
Do I have Attention Deficit problems? Can I overcome this?
Do I have a Learning Disability? What accommodations do I need?
Who will benefit from testing?
Neuropsychological Evaluations are helpful for many individuals with cognitive risk factors, which include:
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Neurological/Medical Conditions (Stroke, MS)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD/FAE)
Dementias (Alzheimer’s, Pick’s, Parkinson’s, etc.)
Toxin Exposure (Carbon Monoxide Poisoning)
Seizure Disorders
Psychiatric Conditions (Tourette’s, Bipolar, Addictions)
Intellectual Disability/Cognitive Impairment
Developmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Speech/Language Disorders
Learning Disorders (LD), Dyslexia
What is involved in the evaluation?
Neuropsychological testing usually involves interviews, review of medical records, and tests that measure a variety of skills and abilities. Each test offers its own special type of information, and together the test battery gives a full picture of a person's functioning. The choice of tests used depends upon the question to be answered. In addition, it offers a wealth of information about every day cognitive functioning that can be useful in treatment planning.
Most testing begins in the morning hours with an interview and description of the tests. Testing will be completed in one day. Breaks are taken as needed.
Dr. Fuller completes the majority of his own testing, which ensures the best understanding and allows the most through and valid interpretation of the data presented by the individual. Dr. Fuller is assisted by a technician (neuropsychometrist), who completes some aspects of test administration under his guidance and supervision. The overall goal of testing is to obtain information that indicates present functioning and points toward aids and accommodations that will enhance future functioning.
What abilities are evaluated?
Global Abilities (Intelligence)
Language and Communication
Memory and Learning
Attention and Concentration
Executive Functions (Planning, Problem Solving, Mental Flexibility)
Visual Spatial Skills
Motor Coordination
Academic Skills
Emotional Functioning
How long does testing take?
Testing is not screening. Screening takes minutes to complete while testing usually takes hours. While screening gives an idea of what is going on, testing is a thorough investigation to give as definitive answer as possible. Most Adults spend between three and six hours completing testing in the clinic. Several hours are also spent after testing is complete providing feedback and producing comprehensive reports that are provided to patients and referring physicians.